Wednesday 18 November 2009



I am now a whole year older... or well a few weeks older than last time! 16! :L
For my birthday my parents took me to london to see the amazingness that is MUSE and the O2 arena. It was amazing the line up was the best and to top it off they were supported by the big pink who were also great with domino's :D. Muse live though best live concert ever!

Then the last three days i have been on the AS geoggers trip to netlecombe (which is in exmoor not dartmoor :L) . The lessons with our teacher Jim were so very boring and he sucked the fun out of everything! But over all i really enjoyed the trip! We chatted to and played jenga with plenty of horatio's :D who were all very friendly (well the guys were). And irish snap with our gang was amazingly fun too! if not a bit painful when a chunk of your hand got taken off my someone with long nails or stabbed by a ring (ailidh!!) or just generaly flattened (josh)!
The then hearing the amazing 'Badger' song on the radio just made it all the better :D "feel or phil the badger' depending on how well you can hear :D

Anyways waterloo road soon (TOM CHAMBERS) so must go
Also new moon to read (which is out in the cinema 2DAYS!!!!!!!!)

(will let you know how amazing the film is!!!!)

geogers - badger

Sunday 1 November 2009

LIttle Update..

Heyy (thought i would write in a different colour today :P)

Just though i would give you a little update into the weirdness of my life....

Last night was halloween so me and my friend chess decided (after about 2hours on the phone and quite a few texts) that we would watch scary films with ben and jerrys :D. We watched i know what you did last summer, and Scream 3... well lets just say we both had sore throats afterwards :P though they were very good :D. Thinking i want to watch the shining if anyone fancies joining me??

Today i had the fun of spending my day with my three cousins auntie and uncle. The three boys are 4 + 2 years and 3 months awwww :D so it was interesting and tiring and i have baby sick on me :L but was good.
I also got my first birthday present ( 4 days :D) and ate my first mince pie of the year :D so all in all a good day.

I'm writing this whilst listening to Chase and Status - End Credits (released today... well legally, cuse i don't do that illegal stuff.. :L) Its soooo amazing :D

Anyhoo I'd better go if i have anyhope of pasing this maths exam.... which is on my birthday!!! HOw unfair!!!!!

Next time i write i will be a whole year older!!! :D

Friday 16 October 2009

Total Random Babble.....


Like my slightly strange chess said... if i fail my maths GCSE its all your fault! I should be doing maths revision... but... well my dinner is in 10 minutes and i decided i would rather update you people than do a bit of revision so... well here it is..

I'm listening to the best radio station (Radio 1) and thinking how much i love sara compared to scott mills... But why is the music atm soooo bad its all pop/R+B (not good). The only decent music that has been released recently is Muse (Ailidh....MUSeeeeeee (d of e) :P) and Paramore's new albums. Ahhh now there playing JLS... ok i can't listen anymore.....
Put a bit of chase and status on :D

Since i last wrote i've had the amazingness of D of E walkage... 'There was a great big moose!!!" AH good times :D And our amazing video that only we will get.. and possibly jake and gomme,, cuse its full of inside jokes but hey..

Cara's 16th is also added to the list of amazingness since i last wrote with a BBQ, sitting round a fire singing, drinking punch and laughing quite a bit and then camping in a Teepee and the chocolate game stabbing at a slap of chocolate... FUn fun!!

I'm writing this whilst waiting for my tea... of which my lovely mum has bought Ben and Jerry's - Chocolate Fudge Brownie :D yay
Tomorrow i'm babysitting all day.. but i get to take (my brother) luke to watch a film and stuff so its not all bad... though cuse he's only 10 it has to be a U or PG.... hmmmmm. Hopefuly i can go surfing sunday, if my dad will take me cuse i really really wants to go!!

Well i'm off cuse my dinner (and ben and jerry's) are waiting!!
Love to all

Monday 28 September 2009

Moi Atm


Haven't written a blog for agess so thought i would do a bit of updating...
Well, i've been back at schoolage for nearly a month now.... though it feels like years!!
Since then i have managed to break bones in basketball (dangerous violent sport!) and managed to let textiles cw (stupid thing) pile up... which reminds me i will have to spend almost all of tomorrow doing that!!! Fun Fun!!

On sunday i got the amazingness of an apple mac!! :D, as my early birthday and christmas present and am typing this blog entry on its amazingness! Its so Darlek (amazing word!!)

But now am thinking i should get some sleep... hmm
Byee for now (will write soon)...(ish:P)


Friday 18 September 2009

The Amazingness Of French and cyclists

well well well here i am sitting in the most beautiful room in our very fabulouse school. E4A!!!!!!!!! tis beautiful and incredible and georgeouse. French is a wonderful language...shame i am not doing ANY right now. mabe i should ask my most lovely friend cara to do some for me. she is so incredible and great that she just might. (but only if i am VERY VERY nice to her and buy her lovely things.) my other friend chessie is too silly to be of any help.
Now on to the important subject of CYCLISTS and maybe not falling in the road. I have just been at the incredible and amazing tour of britain which does not in fact go all around the country but only a little bit.
"SIGH" i do wish holly had fALLEN in the road.
giggle giggle

Sunday 9 August 2009

Summer Time :D, And The Confusion Of Buses

Hey all,

Right now it is the amazingness of summer holidays.. its about half way in and the weather has only just started getting good :P true british summer....

Since i broke up from school i have, Been to see Harry Potter with all my friends, which was very good, been to the beach a few times surfing and body boarding (went today... have a slightly red face :P...) Saw my cousins... i have a new baby cousin he was born 03.08.09 and is called George, he's sooooo sweet, and v tiny. Seen lots of my friends, slept round chloee's lastnight. Not done much coursework/homework like i should have done..... never mind :P

Going to a festival with loads of friends on wednesday... so excited camping, music, mud, mates gonna be amazing! Then the day i get back (sunday) i'm off to france for two weeks so its all busy busy. For sun sea and surf (i hope :P).

My lovely friends and i went to the beach (saunton) on wednesday. We were ment to catch the 8.33 bus from the green (which two of our friends were already on)... so me and my friend (chess) and george arrived there and decided instead of standing at the bus stop (that we thought we had to be at) we would sit at the green cuse it was nicer and when the bus came we would go over to it. Little did we realise we were on the wrong side of the road for this bus and when it came it drove right on past with our two friends on it!!! After a bit of confusion we got a call fro jake (on the bus) telling us they had got off at the next stop and were walking back to meet us. Got that me and chess are blonde at all!, how were we ment to know that we needed to be on that side of the road.... to be honist i think that it should be made more clear!! So after a while we got another bus and all was fine. Beach was great lovely weather. On our way back form the trip to the sea gomme managed to step bare foot into dog poo, which made me have a laughing fit and hysterical laughing!, and choking which my friends found v funny, especialy chess who kept trying to get me to whistle :P Amazing day :D

Anywyas i'm off cuse i'm v tired after staying up last night with friends (watched 3 films, preminition, v good..... The number 23... good but quite dark and strange... and grease 2.. well...:P) whilst eating ben and jerrys :D yum and pizza!! Proper sleepver!!

So i will write about my time at the festival and france.. when i get back


Tuesday 21 July 2009

Slowlier<<<<<<<<<<< 'Thats not a word!'


Last day of school tomorrow! Woop! Then summer holidays yay!!!..... Lets just hope for some sun so it actually feels like summer..... Whats with all the rain?!!! Anyways.... after tomorrow 6 whole weeks off untill september when its back to school and year 11..... fun! But now i have loads if time to spend wiht friends and go to France with my family which should be good, for lots of water sports.... Kayaking , surfing, snorkeling, wind surfing, beaching! all good......

On thrusday i (and a group of like 11 other people) are going to see harry potter!! woop should be good!! and getting my pointe shoes on friday :D.... (ballet... don't ask....)

my new word is 'slowlier' i came up with this today in a monent of amazingness (they hapen to me quite a bit!! :P) And i was showing hoobs my dramatic headturn when she said 'you went too quickly' so i replied ' fine i will go slowlier next time' and the word was born...... but she just replied with.... 'thats not a word!!' lol love her!!!!

Well anyways off now so.....