Friday 18 September 2009

The Amazingness Of French and cyclists

well well well here i am sitting in the most beautiful room in our very fabulouse school. E4A!!!!!!!!! tis beautiful and incredible and georgeouse. French is a wonderful language...shame i am not doing ANY right now. mabe i should ask my most lovely friend cara to do some for me. she is so incredible and great that she just might. (but only if i am VERY VERY nice to her and buy her lovely things.) my other friend chessie is too silly to be of any help.
Now on to the important subject of CYCLISTS and maybe not falling in the road. I have just been at the incredible and amazing tour of britain which does not in fact go all around the country but only a little bit.
"SIGH" i do wish holly had fALLEN in the road.
giggle giggle

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