Tuesday 21 July 2009

Slowlier<<<<<<<<<<< 'Thats not a word!'


Last day of school tomorrow! Woop! Then summer holidays yay!!!..... Lets just hope for some sun so it actually feels like summer..... Whats with all the rain?!!! Anyways.... after tomorrow 6 whole weeks off untill september when its back to school and year 11..... fun! But now i have loads if time to spend wiht friends and go to France with my family which should be good, for lots of water sports.... Kayaking , surfing, snorkeling, wind surfing, beaching! all good......

On thrusday i (and a group of like 11 other people) are going to see harry potter!! woop should be good!! and getting my pointe shoes on friday :D.... (ballet... don't ask....)

my new word is 'slowlier' i came up with this today in a monent of amazingness (they hapen to me quite a bit!! :P) And i was showing hoobs my dramatic headturn when she said 'you went too quickly' so i replied ' fine i will go slowlier next time' and the word was born...... but she just replied with.... 'thats not a word!!' lol love her!!!!

Well anyways off now so.....


  1. Ah yes, the dramatic headturn! :P! How did we even get to that?!?

    Ah, so how was the hour long fitting? Haha! Loser! :P!

    Here is me commenting on your blog, as you INSISTED i did! :P!


  2. lol it took 1 and a half hours!!!!!
    but i now need t break them in.... whhich is painful!! xxxx
