Saturday 11 July 2009

My 1st Blog


Well here is my 1st blog.Thanks to my good friend chessie ( check out her blog) i now have a blog. Where i will probably blabble (is that even a word.... well if not it is now!) about the most random of stuff!

Right now i am listening to Paramore, which hoobs (chessie) gave me, thanks v much..... its v v good! And am talking to my amazing friend em about her reasent hols...(lucky her!)

Why did it have to rain soooo much today. I was ment to go surfing (i love it!!)but noone would take me cuse it was apparently too wet.....(looks out window)..... damm and still raining..... :(

But i did so shopping :) so its not all bad. But i couldn't get my pointe shoes (ballet, yes i do ballet) cuse the silly lady in the shop was shutting in half an hour and acording to her 30 mins isn't long enough to sort them out!! so i will have to make another trip in soon, on the day after i go to see Harry potter!!! :D with all my amazing friendies!! Two of my friends Gomme ( yep gomme!!) and Jacob (my boyfriend) are only comming to see me and my friends (proably the girls) cry when dumbledore dies (sorry if you havn't read the books....but where have you been... you should have they are amazing!!)How nice are they!!! lol :P

The gang are off to the river in the town of credition tomorrow.... lets hope it doesn't rain!!

I did get a very nice dress though today in H&M ( it was £5!!! reduced from £25!!! bargin!!) i love it..... lets hope for some sun so i can wear it!!. And loads from accessorize cuse they had a v big sale!! yay!

Well i really can't think of much more to say.... so maybe i should stop putting off doing my french coursework and just get on with it!!..... Well i will be doing work experence next week so i will be quite busy so maybe....hmmm might do it now! The watch torchwood (which is amazing!! and so is doctor who... a true geek at heart!!! :P)

Anyways i think i have done enough blabbleing for now.... so until next time




1 comment:

  1. Haha! done my french! :P

    so much for summer! oh, i think that its stopped raining! WOO!

    hopefully i havnt jinxed it now! oops! :P!

