Tuesday 21 July 2009

Slowlier<<<<<<<<<<< 'Thats not a word!'


Last day of school tomorrow! Woop! Then summer holidays yay!!!..... Lets just hope for some sun so it actually feels like summer..... Whats with all the rain?!!! Anyways.... after tomorrow 6 whole weeks off untill september when its back to school and year 11..... fun! But now i have loads if time to spend wiht friends and go to France with my family which should be good, for lots of water sports.... Kayaking , surfing, snorkeling, wind surfing, beaching! all good......

On thrusday i (and a group of like 11 other people) are going to see harry potter!! woop should be good!! and getting my pointe shoes on friday :D.... (ballet... don't ask....)

my new word is 'slowlier' i came up with this today in a monent of amazingness (they hapen to me quite a bit!! :P) And i was showing hoobs my dramatic headturn when she said 'you went too quickly' so i replied ' fine i will go slowlier next time' and the word was born...... but she just replied with.... 'thats not a word!!' lol love her!!!!

Well anyways off now so.....

Friday 17 July 2009

The Joys Of Primary Schools! :P

Well all this week i have been doing work experence in a local primary school and its been sooooo much fun! I sent the whole time in class 1 (year 1 and reception....aged 5/6) so all the little ones.... they are all sooooo sweet :P lot lots of hugs and pictures drawn for me, one girl even kissed me!! This week i have done....
  • End of term Concert
  • Painting (with glitter! :P)
  • A game with shaving foam or chaving foam as it is now known!! (Ailidh)! (its amazing how much fun they found it..... and how much mess they made!)
  • A school trip to the beach (we came back with very wet children... the sea was just so tempting!)
  • Year 6 leavers assembly
  • And more fun stuff like that.....

But its now over and i will really miss them all...... i had children coming up to me asking if i could stay forever aww it was very sweet, but i have been told i am welcome to come back so i might do sometime.... I have never slept so well though 5 and 6 year olds are so tiring!!! I have also never got shaving foam all over me before so plently of new experences!!

I also had my 1st street dance lesson tonight which i really enjoyed so am looking foward to starting that in september.

But now i have the weekend (where i have to work :(.... but its money so its not all bad) and sunday... i might sleep!! And then i have to go back to school for three days... what is the point??!! But i get to see all of my lovely friends so its not all bad.

And i nearly got killed by a stupid school bus today!! We (me and my mum) were driving along the country lanes (on my way back from the school i did w/e at where also my mum works) when this school bus came round the corner way too fast and hear hit us! And at the time i has eating some left over harribo (cuse i bought the children sweets to say thankyou) and i nearly choked on it!! And the silly bus driver (wiht goofy teeth) just stared at us like he had done nothing wrong! so there is my near death experence!!

Going to see the new harry potter next week :D should be good!!

Well i'm going to stop blabbling now and yet you get back to your life...




Saturday 11 July 2009

My 1st Blog


Well here is my 1st blog.Thanks to my good friend chessie (http://hoobsblog.blogspot.com/ check out her blog) i now have a blog. Where i will probably blabble (is that even a word.... well if not it is now!) about the most random of stuff!

Right now i am listening to Paramore, which hoobs (chessie) gave me, thanks v much..... its v v good! And am talking to my amazing friend em about her reasent hols...(lucky her!)

Why did it have to rain soooo much today. I was ment to go surfing (i love it!!)but noone would take me cuse it was apparently too wet.....(looks out window)..... damm and still raining..... :(

But i did so shopping :) so its not all bad. But i couldn't get my pointe shoes (ballet, yes i do ballet) cuse the silly lady in the shop was shutting in half an hour and acording to her 30 mins isn't long enough to sort them out!! so i will have to make another trip in soon, on the day after i go to see Harry potter!!! :D with all my amazing friendies!! Two of my friends Gomme ( yep gomme!!) and Jacob (my boyfriend) are only comming to see me and my friends (proably the girls) cry when dumbledore dies (sorry if you havn't read the books....but where have you been... you should have they are amazing!!)How nice are they!!! lol :P

The gang are off to the river in the town of credition tomorrow.... lets hope it doesn't rain!!

I did get a very nice dress though today in H&M ( it was £5!!! reduced from £25!!! bargin!!) i love it..... lets hope for some sun so i can wear it!!. And loads from accessorize cuse they had a v big sale!! yay!

Well i really can't think of much more to say.... so maybe i should stop putting off doing my french coursework and just get on with it!!..... Well i will be doing work experence next week so i will be quite busy so maybe....hmmm might do it now! The watch torchwood (which is amazing!! and so is doctor who... a true geek at heart!!! :P)

Anyways i think i have done enough blabbleing for now.... so until next time


